Loose Dentures Can Lead to Serious Health Concerns

Loose Dentures Can Lead to Serious Health Concerns

Loose Dentures Can Lead to Serious Health Concerns

Do your dentures fit comfortably and securely? It’s natural for the fit to deteriorate over time, which can be caused by changes in your gums and bone, as well as breakdown of the materials used in making the denture.

Precise fit of a removable denture is a necessity. Beyond diminished chewing ability and appearance, individuals with ill-fitting dentures have been found to be at a four times greater risk of developing head and neck cancer.

A prosthodontist can help. As specialists with extensive training in prosthetic dentistry, we help patients maintain functional and attractive dentures.

A bad fit may not be the only indicator that you need new or modified dentures. Other things to look for include:

  • Chronic irritation of the gums under the denture
  • The need for denture adhesives for everyday activities
  • The denture appears discolored, cracked, or is unstable
  • If the denture has been in use for more than five years

April 7-13 is National Prosthodontics Awareness Week, a great time to visit a Northwest Houston Prosthodontics to have your denture evaluated.